This is about my third iteration on a delta extruder. This one actually works pretty good and I think is well suited for custom delta builds. It is just a simple fisheye assmebly that looks like this off the bed:
It only works with a standard delta heatbreak and a volcano hotend. It was designed with the following considerations in mind:
Maximize z height. This means mount the rods as close to the tip of the nozzle as possible.
Auto-bed level compatible. It is critically designed to minimize the distance between the nozzle and the touch leveler (triangle lab model). To achieve this, the ABL device is actually mounted at a 45 degree angle so that when extended it is only ~3mm from the extruder. Delta printers are EXTREMELY SENSITIVE to any effector tilt, so this is really the only way to leverage a bl touch (unless you can achieve some pretty exotic tolerances with your build).
Easy assembly. You simple thread a M3 60mm rod through each side, add a spacer, slot the fisheye, another spacer, then bolt it up.
Extreme cooling capacity. It supports TWO 5mm blower fans for serious cooling if you need it.
Direct-drive compatible. You can use a nema15 with an OMG extruder configured as a direct-drive. Delta printers are not usually direct drive, but that's generally because think of printing FAST when they think of delta printers. But if you're willing to slow down you can print direct-drive reasonably well.
This is what it looks like with the ABL extended:
So far, I’m getting very accurate calibration results with this.
I’ve open sourced the design here: